Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

December 25 is right in the birth of Jesus?

If it's not the time of the birth of Jesus in December, so when yes,,, Concerning the date of Christ's birth, did Jesus born on December 25th? No! There is no one source that refers to the date tersebut.lalu why or where the emergence of the tradition of Christmas is celebrated on December 25? Encyclopedia Britannica 2000 with the topic of 'Christmas' said: "The reason why Christmas to be celebrated on December 25 remains uncertain, but the most likely reason is that those early Christians want the date to coincide with the pagan Roman feast that marks' the day birth of the invincible sun '...; feast day is celebrated on the solstice of winter, where the re-lengthening daylight and the sun began to rise higher in the sky. So, who are the traditional customs connected with Christmas have developed from several sources as a result of the celebration of the birth of Christ with bertepatannya pagan feasts related to agriculture and the sun in the middle of winter. December 25th ... also regarded as the birthday of the god mysterious Iranian nation, named Mithra, the Sun of Truth. " Then if so whether it smells of Christmas celebrations disbelief as alleged by some classes lately? (Note: Some churches refuse to celebrate Christmas because they thought that Christmas comes from pagan tradition). Of course not! It must be remembered that the Christmas celebration that coincides with the pagan celebration that does not mean that Christians worshiped a pagan gods. Instead they just want to keep away from paganism. Notice Herlianto words: "In the year 274, Rome began the celebration of the birthday of the sun on December 25 as the closing festival of the Saturnalia (December 17 to 24) since the end of the winter sun rays began to show on the day. Facing the pagan celebrations, Christians generally left and no longer follow the ceremony, but with the mass Christianization in Constantine, many Roman Christians still celebrate even have followed Christianity. This fact encourages church leaders in Rome to replace a day of celebration 'birth the sun' is a celebration of the 'birth of the Sun of Righteousness "with the intention of diverting the Christians of pagan worship on that date and then change that to celebrate' Christmas. 'In the year 336, the celebration of Christmas began to be celebrated December 25 instead of January 6. This provision was inaugurated emperor Constantine, who was used as a symbol of the Christian king. Christmas Celebration later celebrated in Anthiokia (375), Constantinople (380), and Alexandria (430), and then spread to other places ". "From the facts of history we know that Christmas is not a celebration of the sun god, but church leaders attempt to distract people from the Roman sun god in the Lord Jesus Christ by way of shifting the date of January 6 to December 25, with the intention that Christians no longer follow the Roman pagan ceremony . Christians present there is nothing to link Christmas Day by day the sun god, and on December 25 was no longer binding, because at least in general Christians celebrate Christmas Day on one day in December to January the sake of uniformity. Therefore Encyclopedia Britannica 2000 with the topic 'from church Christmas year' writes: "... the feast of the birth of Christ, the birth of the 'Sun of Righteousness" (Mal 4:2) set in Rome, or perhaps in North Africa, as a rival Christians against pagan feast of solar unbeaten at solstice. ... "Thus the origin of the celebration of Christmas on December 25. there are few historical references from the Bible that can be a reference. (1) Jesus was born in the time of King Herod (Matt. 2:1). If Jesus was born in the days of Herod the king we need this information during the reign of Herod. Flavius ​​Josephus, a Jewish historian provide information that Herod began reigned from 73 to 4 BC (the year of his death). That means that Jesus could not have been born after the year 4 BC for Herod when Jesus was born alive and even Herod wanted to kill him. From this light we can estimate that Jesus was born a few years before the death of Herod (4 BC). (2) Jesus was born at the time of the Emperor Augustus held a census in which Quirinius was governor in the Syrian (Luke 2:1-2). According to Josephus records, a man named Cyrenius was sent to Judea to hold a Syrian and a chronicle sesus at the beginning of BC. The census is part of the clean-up operation after Archelaus (son of Herod the Great) was fired from jabatannya.Peristiwa this happened a few years after Herod's death (years 6-7 M). Seeing this data it is difficult to match with the first reference above, but this explanation can be given for that Luke gives early records of the task that Quirinius (a few years before in 6-7 M), but given the problems of transportation and communication was very difficult at that time the task it only ended in 6 -7 M as recorded by Josephus. (Information: In order to further understand this issue, please see John Drane book "Understanding the New Testament," p. 54-57). (3) Jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old the year of the reign of emperor Tiberius 15 (Lk 3:1). Reign of Emperor Tiberius of Rome officially began in 14 AD so this year is the year to 15 pemerintahnnya 28 M. But actually it has ruled with imperial August since year 11 AD so even though he was officially a new rule in 14 AD (after death in August) but in fact he has been in power since the year 11 AD Maybe once Luke counting to 15 year reign of Tiberius is from years 11 to 15 AD so this year is the year of the reign of Tiberius 25-26 AD If in the year 25-26 AD Jesus was 30 years old, it can be estimated from the time of Jesus' birth here which ranged in 5 or 4 BC. Of all the historical data in general historians and theologians give an account of Jesus's birth in about 8 to 4 BC. Some say Jesus was born around 8-5 BC, there is also estimated in 6-4 BC. tercatatat clear in the Bible that is the time when Zacharias went into the temple and served there. At that time ranged in Siwan (May-June) and taking into account the content of the old Elizabeth and Mary, the birth of Jesus is expected to occur at about the Feast of Tabernacles in the month of Tishri (September-October). This month seems to be more acceptable than in December even though this is not a certainty.Of some of the birth of Jesus has been stated above, it all refers to the time before Christ. The word "Christian" actually has the same root as "Messiah" in Hebrew and "Christ" in Greek. So really the word "Christian" is used in the calculation of the years at the present point to Christ. If we refer to the year 50 BC (Before Christ) means that there is 50 years before the birth of Christ. If we refer to the year 100 CE (AD), the mean was 100 years after the birth of Christ. Certainly something very interesting that the birth of Christ is used as a benchmark calculation in the world. And what about the calculations of the birth of Christ refers to the period before Christ? If we say that Christ was born around 8-5 BC would not that mean that Christ was born about 5-8 years before His birth? Is not this a gaffe? Why did it happen like this?In the 6th century the emperor Justinian gave orders to a man named Dionysius Exegius to create a calendar with the calculation of the solar year (the year of Christ's birth) to change the time that the Roman calendar year based on calculations using the founding of the city of Rome which is usually abbreviated AUC (Ab Urbe condita) . According to calculations in the AUC, the birth of Christ but fell in the year 747 AD the calendar turns in making it Dionisius Exegius make calculation mistakes by placing the birth of Christ in the year 753 AUC resulting in a shortage of about 6 years. (Information: Read the explanation further in the book Happy Christmas garland Andar Ismail, p. 43). This mistake was not corrected because the calendar is published throughout the Roman Empire has been accepted all over the world even in the present (Note: So the calendar that we use today is the work of Dionysius Exegius). Due to these shortcomings that Christ should be according to our era was born in the year 0 (zero) as the central calculation of the years finally shifted approximately 6 years. That is why the calculation of the birth of Christ to be shifted several years of year 0 (zero) so that the historians and researchers placed about 6-4 years BC. And so we present the calculation of the year also decreased by about 6 years. That's some of the reasons for the discrepancy in about the year of Christ's birth.may be useful, God bless.

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